The next nine years…Part 2

My memories of childhood are a bit sketchy, but I will relay them best I can. I can recall my foster mom watching The Secret Storm and the Edge of Night. The latter was more of a mystery/soap drama and may account for my love of spy, murder mystery and mayhem in books, movies and television shows. These soaps began airing in 1956 and ended in 74 and 84 respectively. I would have watched these along with her during my preschool years and then after school if they were airing at that time. Lots of scheduling changes from what I understand.

We lived in the valley of Sunnybrook Farm which we knew as Div-a-Dale Valley (Divadale?). I did some research recently about where I grew up which was fuelled by visits to Sunnybrook Hospital this past summer which happens to sit on the original homestead of Sunnybrook Farm owners, Joseph and Alice Kilgour. The history about Sunnybrook Farm and how it came to be the home of the Sunnybrook Health Science Centre and CNIB amongst other things is quite fascinating.

I lived where the original barns are still standing. In what was known as the ?? building. There was a three bedroom, two-storey apartment which is where we resided. The upper floor is being used for storage today and most of the bottom floor has been converted to change room and showers. There was and still is an equipment storage area on the other side of the shared wall and on the main floor where the park staff and cafeteria are located now was where the veterans would come to make poppy wreaths for remembrance day. These are the veterans we used to entertain in our sing-song acts.

We went to Northlea elementary school located on Rumsey Road, which my friend notes was a fair piece away from where we lived. She, being a city person, can’t imagine a 4, almost 5 year old walking that far to school, but that is how it was, though I imagine I was walked there or driven a few times to learn the way. Unfortunately I have no memory of that.

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