Running away from home

I expect everyone has a “I’m going to run away from home” story. Mine starts out with being sent to my room, without dinner, again. My foster parents and my sister left the house and me in it. I would have been 7 or 8, I suppose. I decided there and then that I was going to run away from home. As I recall I didn’t have anything I wanted to take with me so I crept down the stairs, left the door unlocked (now that’s commitment) and then opened the “barn door” and ventured out briefly. Unfortunately, I didn’t have anywhere to run to. With this realization I headed back up the stairs and returned to my room.
When my sister returned I swore her to secrecy and told her about my wild adventure and how I almost ran away from home. It was all very dramatic and hush hush!
Next day I was back in my room without dinner being punished for trying to run away from home. Yep, she told. I don’t know what possessed me to tell her in the first place. It’s not like I hadn’t already had years of experience in her betraying me or making things up and that no matter what I did I would land in my room without dinner.
Still, pretty funny anyway!

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