Once dad and step-mom were married and we were in our new digs, we started taking the bus to school. I don’t know if it was by design or happy luck that we were in an apartment where we only had to take one bus to school.
I’m sitting here pondering what I felt at that time. Was I excited by the adventure or scared silly? No idea!
What I do know is I would often get off the bus when I felt like I was going to be sick. To this day I still suffer from car sickness on occasion in buses and cars.
The other thing that sticks out in my mind is the pervert that I had the dubious pleasure of sitting beside on one of these bus rides. You can’t ride the buses or subways in a metropolitan area and not be “exposed” to some rather unseemly behaviours. If I recall correctly he was having a bit of fun with his private parts. I believe I left rather hurriedly. Imagine an 11 year old girl’s reaction to that. Shock and fear, I expect.
We finished off the school year travelling between Leaside PS and Birchmount and Eglinton with no other memorable moments or if there were any I certainly don’t remember them.