A Little Cheesy

During my first year living with my new (favourite) Mom, getting used to being allowed to raid the fridge whenever hungry took a bit of getting used to and there always being cheese in the house was an elixir.

I have always loved cheese. Cheese slices, cheez whiz, cheddar cheese, as long as cheese is in the name I’ll probably love it although in Grade 9 Home Ec I wasn’t a fan of blue cheese though I became a fan as I got older. Smells like a dirty socks cheese, bring it on!

As an adult with the onset of heel spurs and plantar fasciitis age 29, fibromyalgia and then later on osteoarthritis, I had been told numerous times by a variety of professionals that dairy is inflammatory, Hence the aches and pains that besieged my body worsening as I kept putting weight on (trying to kill myself with food).

My lack of emotional well-being plus ADD (attention deficit disorder) lead to self-medication in my teens with drugs and alcohol but when I became pregnant I had to give all that up and turned to food, and boy did I turn!

I just couldn’t give up cheese. I mean what would I eat? Cheese pretty much was my protein source, albeit a poor one.

Two weeks ago I didn’t put cheese on the online grocery order. Wasn’t sure how I’d do, but I had finally decided I no longer wanted to kill myself with food or illicit drugs or alcohol. l have been off this hit parade for months (alcohol) and illegal drugs for years and years, though now some is legal. So how did I do?, you ask.

It’s been easier than I thought. While I haven’t banished cheese entirely, it is no longer my go to whenever I want to have a snack. For example a 200g extra old block of cheese and a bag of chips or a box of gluten free crackers whenever the mood strikes.

Now it’s a condiment used as recipes call for in whatever dish I’m cooking or baking. No longer doubling or tripling the amount a recipe states.

Surprise, Surprise! Today my knees aren’t aching! Now that may be more a function of being stuck at home scratching and rubbing the itch re: angiogram adventure so the jury is still out, but I also stopped taking the anti-inflammatory, three days ago, I’ve been taking for years, morning and night, to give it a fair shot.

I expect it’ll take awhile for the anti-inflammatory to be completely flushed from my system so we’ll see.

For today, I am content. I hope you are too!

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