Between starting Grade 10, September 1972 and the end of warm enough weather to warrant going to Wasaga Beach, my new bestie and two of her friends and I are going to head north. I don’t remember the lie I told to escape home for the weekend but I do remember being freaked out when bestie and I are headed up Kennedy Rd to the 401 to hitchhike to Wasaga when I swear I saw my parents car heading to the opposite 401 ramp. Clearly my conscience was pricking me.
We arrive safely and the four of us are in a cabin, hanging out by the fire having fun when someone brings up their stash of acid which we all partake, a tab each. Having never done this before I’ve no idea what to expect but hey, why not!
Let me count the reasons in retrospect. Some guy who’s name is also Laurie, no way! My bestie’s name is Lori, he must be making it up. He proves with his birth certificate or drivers license or something that, yep, his name really is Laurie. Huh!
He’s a very attractive fellow and we hit it off and somewhere along the way of being completely out of it as I very vaguely recall glimpses of him in my bed, we make out! Awhile later I realize someone else is in my bed and he appears to be checking in with me to see if I’m okay. Once he realizes that I’m processing his words he leaves to grab my bestie and she comes in to save me from, myself! My sense is that this guy was there to get me out of a potentially dicey situation and appreciate it very much as I recall in days ahead what transpired, with plenty of missing pieces to the puzzle.
I remember us all in the cabin and me asking repeatedly what time it is to the annoyance of my companions.
Next thing I remember is arriving home and heading straight to my bedroom. By this time I’m crashing, laying in bed thinking the people outside are talking about me and my acid trip and Mom and Dad have figured out that I lied and I’m going to be in big trouble.
Turns out nobody was talking about me, and Mom and Dad never said a word that would indicate they believed anything other than I was staying overnight at a friend’s place.
Acid is not my friend! I am naturally suspicious of everyone and their motivations during this period, which leaves me “paranoid” well before the acid trip. I do not partake of known hallucinogens in the immediate future. I learn many months later that mescaline and peyote are also not my friends but neither lead to any undesirable behaviours or out of body experiences. Thank goodness!